Tuesday, November 19, 2013

3 Easy Tips to Start Losing the Baby Weight

One of the most common fears of all mother-to-be's is how her body is going to look after birth. Losing the baby weight will come, don't worry. Remember, it took your body 9 months to get that way, so give yourself time to get back! Believe me, I know. I have four children myself, and feeling like a whale even after pregnancy is not the greatest ego boost for a new mom.

At about the time of your baby shower, you'll most likely start getting to the "done" point. Just done with having swollen ankles, waking up in the middle of the night a million times to go the bathroom, aching legs and back, and not being able to see your feet. Just done. The feeling of just wanting your body back will continue on until, well...you have your body back. After the baby is born you will be more than ready to start feeling normal again and lose that extra baggage you've been carrying around for months.

 Below are 3 tips that can help speed up the process of a bit.

Tip # 1

Breastfeed. I know you've heard it a million times, but it's true. When you breastfeed, you burn calories. As we all know, burning calories is how you lose weight. Make sure you eat enough- it is not healthy for you or your baby if you do not supply either of you with enough nutrients. Make sure you drink plenty of fluid also.

Tip #2

Drink Water - and NO pop! If you are done breastfeeding, this is especially important. Many woman think because they are done breastfeeding now they can drink whatever they want. This is NOT true if you want to lose weight. The fastest way to lose weight is by cutting out carbonated beverages and drinking 8 8 oz glasses of water a day. Do it. I promise you'll love the results after 1-2 weeks of just this.

Tip #3

Take your baby on walks. One of the best ways to get your body back in shape is walking or running. This is known as cardio, and if you do it daily, your body will burn more calories, in return, brings your pre-baby weight back. Strap your baby in the stroller and away you go! Not only are you getting exercise, but you are getting out of the house and doing something. The fresh air will feel nice (providing it's a nice day outside) and you will be amazed at how much you truly do have the need to get out of the house every now and then. Plus...your baby will love the stroller ride!

Don't Overdo it!

Just like everyone is different, every woman's body is different. Do not let yourself get down about your baby weight. You have a beautiful new bundle of joy, and this should be your main priority. Take care of your baby, take care of yourself - your body will follow suit.

Make sure you do not start any work out plan until your doctor gives you the okay. Usually, this after your 6 week post-pardum check up.